Land Cruiser 90 Series - making me a newb again!

Guerilla social media lol

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Wow… Fast eh? I have the front already…

The metal tag on the back has some rust obscuring it, but the labelled one is still visible. I’ll have to pull it out to get to the back. I’ll be back with that…

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He’s in Australia so it’s ashtray Monday there. If you have a LinkedIn please add me and I’ll just add you into the conversation.

My LinkedIn

I’m not linked to the linkety linkage …

Hopefully that will be the key?

Hoping so!

He did all for a pic of the Full back of it, so any chance you can get a pic of the entire back side? I just don’t want to waste his time, it’s pretty generous of him to be helping a stranger on the internet help a stranger on the internet


Sorry… It was wedged in the back corner of garage and already dark out. I’ll try to get it out in the light tomorrow and get a full pic. You’re absolutely right about his time value. Don’t want to look a gift horse in the fairlead. :wink:


Amazing. Just, amazing.


Ok I passed it along, hoping he’s able to help!


Watch this get solved…

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I had a contact at ARB, coincidentally named Phil, but he’s since moved on to work with the folks at Mule Expedition Outfitters (aka Das Mule).

I’ve reached out to Rocky Road, an interesting bunch that always seem to have support for the most obscure tasks (lift kit for a Ford Escape? :sunglasses: ). They’re the only US vendor I’ve come across that happens to have that exact Sahara bar in stock.

Not that it helps, yet, but I was able to find the fog light kit in stock: 9249FCK -


Here’s a part # and contact for a guy in Seattle who I assume will be able to verify it and help you order…


That second part number should be for the light kit that fits into those openings I think.

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Absolutely amazing! Can’t believe you put all that together for me. So SO appreciate it sir! Also, please pass along my gratitude to Stewart as well!

And @ChazzLayne thanks for your help as well!

With a part number in hand my search just got a LOT more doable. I’ll keep you guys posted!

Thanks again!


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So I believe I have the kit on order now, and was able to reference the part numbers so kindly dug up by our pal Mr. @humming.

Guess it’s soon time to get cracking on cleaning up the bumper and repainting it…

Meanwhile, there’s been some plus temps so I’ve been reorganizing and re-prioritizing my overland setup, in anticipation of a big UTAH trip this spring.

I like to do things without spending big bucks where possible. So I bought some SS all-thread and some nuts and knobs and found a way to mount my traction boards on the rack today, using an existing hole. It turned out pretty good, and at risk of looking like a poser, I really do want these on hand (on head?) for my daily drive.

Total cost was 20 bucks, because stainless ain’t cheap. :relieved:


That’s exactly how I mounted mine, sans the fancy knob (might have to upgrade now that I’ve seen that). Right there with you—I couldn’t bring myself to pay $50 for a set of plastic coated bolts, even if they are keyed really nice to the board’s hole.

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